We see this issue playing out almost everyday of our lives. When we walk by a fast food place or purchase a meal from somewhere like McDonalds, we are unknowingly apart of what's occuring. When we start munching on those delicious chicken nuggets, we aren't concerning ourselves with where it may have come from.
Little do we know that farmers now adays, working with industrial agriculture, are fattening their chickens to meet the high demands of poultry within our societies. They are changing the typical image of a chicken to large, plump, and fat. The success of the agriculture industry has come at a high price. The animals deserve to be treated with dignity. Not only is the agriculture industry keeping up with the rapid growth of the global human population, but they are going above and beyond. They are doing more than is required which is putting others in jeopardy.
Chickens are apart of the few highly productive livestock breeds that most of us consume from a day to day basis. While these highly productive livestock are continuing to produce in vast amounts, genetic diversity is slowly being reduced. Some less productive breeds are even becoming extinct from our selfishlike ways. Not only is the agricultural industry slowly affecting our organisms and species, but they are also polluting the air , bodies of water and some of our ecosystems. Their methods of factory farming are releasing harsh pollutants into our atmosphere, creating a risk for our health.
There are, however, those out there who are determined to practice moral and ethical duties when it comes to producing food for the general public. Sustainable agriculture is a method of farming that acknowledges how important it is to have harmony between what we eat and our environment. They are not the favourable industry at this time because their food is more expensive compared to the cheap and affordable foods the industrial agriculture organizations are producing. These particular benefits do not outweigh the risks of distorting the organisms of our environment.
Our health and well-being and the well-being of our environment is much more important than accessing cheap and convenient foods. We must make sustainable agriculture a priority as opposed to having it as an option to possibly consider in the furture. The time is now!
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